La Arte residencia


La Arte has been operating since 2015 in the city of Salta as a platform for dissemination, circulation and commercialisation of artistic production in the region. La Arte residency project aims to generate a collaborative space for exchange with different communities in Salta, around healthy practices that link art with nature as a process of knowledge. Soledad Dahbar has coordinated Tierra Suelta, an experimental artistic research of intercultural exchange with members of Diaguita communities of the Calchaquí Valley (Cachi, Salta, 2017), together with Andrea Fernández (Tucumán); Residencia Puente Campamento Vespucio (Gral. Mosconi, Salta, 2016) together with Santiago Gasquet (Buenos Aires), Residencia Telúrica II, Encuentro entre arte y artesanía (San Carlos, Salta, 2013) together with artists from Salta.

Coordinated by: Soledad Dahbar

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