LA MACHINE - creation 2020 Interactive and immersive project
A hybrid object between an arcade game and a slot machine, LA MACHINE is an interactive terminal that generates movements based on the principle of sequences drawn at random by a player.
LA MACHINE is a dance machine that can be installed in the halls of theatres or in art venues, and is aimed at the general public.
Using an imitation system, the player, wearing headphones, reproduces the movements of a dancer on the machine’s screen and learns a very short choreographic extract. A creative and fun object, LA MACHINE allows everyone to discover contemporary dance and choreographic culture, through short extracts of works by famous choreographers from the 20th and 21st centuries.
LA MACHINE is also an interactive exhibition on the discovery of Laban kinetography. The dedicated website allows you to find LA MACHINE at any time and to familiarise yourself with this choreographic universe. Because discovering dance is also and above all seeing it, LA MACHINE includes a participative IN LIVE dance performance, and solos choreographed by Valeria Giuga, with text by Anne-James Chaton and music by Andy Moor.
FAUNA FAUNA - creation 2021 Performance
Valeria Giuga takes several scores of the famous ballet « Afternoon of a Faun » and creates « Faune Faune Faune ».
For this piece, Valeria Giuga and Noëlle Simonet work on the original score of Nijinsky’s version and that of Kurt Jooss (1966) created for two exceptional performers, Pina Bauch and Jean Cébron, at the Folkwangballet in Essen. A score of Jerôme Robbins « Afternoon of a Faun » (1953) will complete the corpus of works, these three versions being the only ones noted to date.
From these three scores they extract the single figure of the faun, as Lifar once did, in order to create a solo that repeats and transforms itself like a recurring and heady dream.
In each of these choreographies, the faun begins and ends lying down in exactly the same place on the stage, alone. He could then repeat his dance over and over again until he completes it with perseverance.
The first and second « faun » are reworkings of the original works, first Nijinky’s and then Jooss’ version, the third is a rewriting that mixes the sources and blurs the lines. The music that will accompany this rewriting is a recomposition of Ryūichi Sakamoto’s music. Composed in 2002, it is a mix of electronic and acoustic sounds and snippets of the text of Stéphane Mallarmé’s poem
About Valeria Giuga

She trained in classical and modern dance at the Regional Dance Centre of Naples and the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, directed by Mathilde Monnier.
Since 2016 she has been the artistic director of the company Labkine,
where she develops choreographic creation projects in close relation with the repertoire of pieces notated in Laban kinetography.
From 2019 to 2021 she is an associate artist at Viadanse, CCN de Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Belfort, a space dedicated to contemporary creation.
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