Dictionary of Gender in Translation


Dictionary of Gender in Translation



The Dictionary of Gender in Translation a project of the International Research Network-IRN World Gender – is open to new contributions. Launched on June 18, 2021, this multilingual and online Dictionary seeks to contribute to the understanding of how concepts and ideas concerning gender, sexuality, and feminism travel and combine in many languages and cultures. The goal is to shed light on the ways in which these notions are understood in different linguistic, social, political, and cultural contexts, and on how gender studies have developed in these diverse contexts. It proposes an open and non-definitive cartography of the transnational circulations of ideas in the field of gender studies.

The Dictionary currently has three interfaces, in French, English, and Spanish. Entries can be written in any language, but if they are written in a language other than those of the three interfaces, they must be accompanied by a translation in French, English, or Spanish.

The format of the entries is open: it can be an article (between 5 000 and 14 000 characters including spaces), a podcast, or a video. Please submit a proposal that outlines in about ten lines the content of the future entry, its format, the authors, and the language(s) in which it will be written. Collective proposals (preferably 2-5 authors) are strongly encouraged. Proposals will then be examined for validation by the editorial committee of the Dictionary of Gender in Translation. Submitted entries will be double-blind peer-reviewed before publication. Translations of entries into multiple languages are also encouraged.

Please send your proposals before September 15th (1st all for contributions) or before December 15th (2nd call for contributions) to dictionnairegenre@cnrs.fr.

Entries must be submitted no later than two months after acceptance of the proposal.

We remain at your disposal for any further information at dictionnairegenre@cnrs.fr

Ilana Eloit y Marta Segarra, editorial coordinators of the Dictionary of Gender in Translation.

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